Cummins Generator 600-715 kVa G-Drive

Diesel QSK19-Series
600-715 kVa 50 Hz
500-600 kWe 60 Hz
19 Litre / 6 Cylinder
Fuel Type: Diesel

Power Efficiency for Every Application
Our first diesel engine to be 650 kVA capable in only six cylinders, the QSK19 is one of the most efficient ever in terms of power per displacement. Available with Cummins proven
Quantum technology and dual frequency, it meets both EPA T2 and 2gTAL emissions standards, making it a totally programmable, fuel-efficient and resilient power solution for most applications.

ELEGEN is a GOEM for Cummins G-Drive Engines.
We manufacture Cummins Generators based on your specifications.
Talk to the ELEGEN Team today about our range of generators for sale and hire.

CTT (Cummins Turbo Technologies) HX83 turbo-charging utilizes exhaust energy with greater efficiency for improved emissions and fuel consumption.
Charge Air Cooling QSK19 engine requires the use of an Air-to-Air heat exchanger or Charge-Air-Cooler (CAC) to reduce intake manifold temperature and to meet the lower emissions requirements.
Ferrous Cast Ductile Iron (FCD) Pistons – High strength design delivers superior durability.
G-Drive Integrated Design – Each component has been specifically developed and rigorously tested for G-Drive products, ensuring high performance, durability and reliability.

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