Cummins Generator 2750-3000 kVa G-Drive

Diesel QSK78-Series
2750-3000 kVa 50 Hz
2275-2750 kWe 60 Hz
78 Litre / V18 Cylinder
Fuel Type: Diesel

Ultimate Power and Performance
The QSK78 provides the optimal combination of productivity and performance and incorporates the best features of our QSK Series engines, including advanced combustion technology and robust base engine components, providing the highest power density in its class. Extended Service options of Eliminator™ and Centinel™ can provide extended oil and filter change intervals and reduce downtime and service costs.

ELEGEN is a GOEM for Cummins G-Drive Engines.
We manufacture Cummins Generators based on your specifications.
Talk to the ELEGEN Team today about our range of generators for sale and hire.

CTT (Cummins Turbo Technologies) HX82/HX83 turbo-charging – Utilizes exhaust energy with greater efficiency for improved emissions and fuel consumption.
Ferrous Cast Ductile Iron (FCD) Pistons – The design and material used in these types of pistons ensure increased engine efficiency and durability. Reduces ‘piston slap’ and increases power efficiency.
High Pressure Injection Fuel System – Provides a high-peak injection pressure for optimum combustion for low emissions and better fuel economy. HPI fuel injection provides a “soft” injection start for lower combustion noise.
Low Temperature After-cooling – Enabled by a Two-Pump Two-Loop (2P2L) cooling system that utilizes 2 separate cooling circuit that allows for longer engine durability and fuel economy.

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