- Dependable power
– The 1506A-E88TAG3 delivers greater productivity through an improved power to weight ratio.
– The world-class power density has been achieved from an 8.8 litre turbocharged engine using a hydraulic actuated unit injection (HEUI) fuel system; making this engine robust for all markets due to its ability to cope with the variation of fuel quality around the world.
– In its class, the 1506A-E88TAG3 has been designed to provide dependable power even in extreme ambient climates
- Low operating costs
– Oil change service intervals are set at 500 hours as standard.
– Designed to provide low cost of ownerhsip, simple maintenance and reduced downtime.
– 12 months unlimited warranty with 24 months on Major items. For low use applications <500 hours per year warranty is extended by a further 12 months. See Perkins Warranty Policy for further details.
– Extended Service Contracts – protect and plan the cost of ownership.